Tuesday 24 November 2015

Why was Shah Rukh Khan awarded by UNESCO for charity?

SRK is not a type of person who goes on showing off and telling everyone about every penny he donates. He doesn't find it right to boast about his donations or about all the charity he gives. Very few know that this mighty Khan of town has been silently doing his bit for the needy, especially with medical aid. It is well known that King Khan funds a children's warding a top city hospital and there he provides every possible help to them.

However, now SRK has taken a step ahead and is planning to fund a cancer wing for the underprivileged in Mumbai in memory of his parents — mother,Fatima, and father,Taj Mohammed Khan, who had succumbed to the illness. Shahrukh still misses his parents and he keeps doing charitable things in their memory.

He has been talking about doing this but hasn't decided when, where and how he will bring his charity into action. SRK becomes very sad when he comes across cases of terminally ill people who have no proper medical facilities.

With this, many in the town even came to know of his charities, so far all had been thinking that SRK stays away from charity and is only bothered about filling his own bank accounts. But we think now everyone would surely admire this secretive charity of his!

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